• April 15, 2021

    Dear Methacton Parents/Guardians,

    Please be advised that I will be making a presentation to the Board of School Directors on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, regarding the Instructional Plan and Health and Safety Plan proposed for the 2021-2022 school year. The recommendation may be considered for approval by the Board at the April 27, 2021 meeting.

    The presentation will be posted to the agenda by 12 noon on Monday, April 19, 2021 for public review. Several of the major matters being presented in the instructional plan include 5-day in-person instruction for grades K-12 as the default student placement. I will be recommending an option for asynchronous online learning for students in grades 7-12 taught through the Methacton Virtual Academy and the option of Methacton Online for students in grades K-6 taught by Methacton teachers in a synchronous online only (no dual mode instruction) mode.

    The health and safety plan has been modified slightly to consider a recommendation in distancing to a minimum of 3 feet or greater whenever feasible; continuation of masking being required; continuation of most disinfection/sanitation protocols; continuation of quarantine protocols; all in the context of wider vaccination reach (more adults and students being vaccinated).

    The goal is to move to an in-person learning environment that best provides for a supportive student-teacher relationship while recognizing we will be living with the COVID-19 virus for some time and appropriate instructional and health and safety measures remain necessary to help keep everyone safe.

    Please know that we are making this recommendation in April for a school year to begin late August/Early September 2021. As I am certain you recognize, any of our plans will continue to be subject to potential changes in the virus, variants, and CDC/Montgomery County Department of Health and PDE determinations that may follow the adoption of this plan. The purpose of getting this plan approved now will best allow us to plan, prepare, and communicate with students, parents/guardians, and staff.


    Dr. David Zerbe
    Superintendent of Schools