Posted 10/22/2020 at 12:55pm, updated 10/28/2020 2:30pm
Frequently Asked Questions
We will use this section to address frequently asked questions as related to our on premises hybrid instruction. Please select the question to reveal its response.
How can I get my hybrid group preference?
If choosing hybrid instruction, please know that there is NO guarantee that we can meet some or any of the preferences selected.
We will NOT be taking into consideration the varying number of requests or objections to our final determination. We are collecting group preference and will attempt to accommodate as many as possible, but only as a LAST priority.
Students will be organized by alphabet by grade/section. This means that once the selection date ends, we will determine the best alpha range to split the grades/sections that best meet the 50% grade/section target fit. We will take into account, as a priority, to keep cohabitants in same group/same days across all grade levels.
We will be taking into account IEP student needs and the number of students with IEP’s that will be attending 2 or 4 or 5 days, along with classes and sections that they attend. We will also need to take into account NMTCC student schedules and special circumstances outlined in IEP plans. All of this will come before our consideration of preference.
So while we are collecting the preference information, at this point, it is not reasonable for us to determine in advance how or even if we will be able to leverage this information to accommodate families. We do not even know what the alpha split will be until we see the final selections. However, we wanted to collect this up front so that we can use group preference where feasible.
We selected the hybrid model. Will it be possible for our students to attend class virtually on their normally scheduled in class days if for some reason they cannot attend in person? As an example if a child has a cough, but isn't ill or has to quarantine due to exposure to someone?
We are asking students and parents to conduct a daily self-screening. We ask that students do stay home when they have any of the symptoms listed in the checklist and that they then follow the corresponding procedures. If a child does stay home, they can attend online. If for any reason that a COVID-19 test is administered, please contact your child’s school nurse.
Will any accommodation be made to ensure that all children from the same household will attend school on the same days?
Our first priority is to consider the cohabitants as part of the cohort group/days of hybrid attendance.
Masks for both speech and Wilson reading is a disservice to the children not being able to see the teacher’s lips/mouth. Has Plexiglas partitions been considered?
Plexiglas partitions have been ordered to address special areas of instruction.
Are GIEP students able to choose 4-day hybrids?
My daughter will be attending in the hybrid model. She is receiving also support to improve her language and communications. Does it mean anything in terms of days that she will be attending?
Students will receive services on the days that they are scheduled to attend and can also choose to receive services online if needed.
After researching and exploring the website about picking what we do on November 9th, I failed to locate any information on how long the decision lasts. My question is how long are we bound to our answer? Is this something that is re-evaluated for each marking period? Also, are we bound to our answer once we pick it? Say we go hybrid but feel as though the proper precautions are not being taken, are we able to switch back to virtual?
Decision is through January 28, 2021. Any request to change decision once the final determination is made will require us to review each case on its own merits against the safety or level of students in sections/grades/classes.
I read that kids with an IEP can attend school 4 days a week in the upcoming marking period. I would like to have my child attend 4 days. Is that possible? He has a GIEP.
Students with a GIEP do not have this option.
Will there be some sort of orientation for students transitioning into a new building?
During the week of November 9-13, students will be phased in by grade with orientation to the building occurring.
I am reaching out to see if I can get some clarification regarding the return to the hybrid model and how it will pertain to the children who are attending NMTCC and also have IEP’s in place. If we choose to send our child back to school 4 days on premise, I am wondering what he will be doing on Tuesday and Thursday when he is supposed to be at NMTCC for welding, history and lunch. How will the high school accommodate him and other students who might be in the same situation?
If a student with an IEP also attends the NMTCC, it will be the determination of the IEP team/plan to determine how the available options will work best for the child. Please contact your case manager/level supervisor.
Will you provide transportation to students enrolled in before and after school care?
There is transportation available for all students from home to school and from school to home on the regular transportation schedule. The district will not be providing transportation to and from the before and aftercare program. Please use the before and after care program run by the YMCA as you would in a regular school year.
Will the students be in cohorts? It was discussed that the teachers will be coming to the room instead of the students traveling throughout the building. However, it was not discussed if the students will be in cohorts for recess or lunch.
There are a number activities where students will be placed in cohorts. As an example, we will place students in cohorts for recess and access to the locker rooms for athletics and band.
In regards to IEP, will the instruction occur in person if they are at school or continue to be virtual?
Instruction and special education services will be addressed both online and on premises.
If we decide to send our children in person ,are we able to opt out if things are not working out? And vice versa at another point in time can switch if we choose?
The choice is through January 28, 2021. Any request for change will be considered on a case by case basis.
In the school setting, both the reopening guidelines and video, show the students using their Chromebook devices in the classroom. If we are returning to a somewhat normal school environment with the social distancing in place why are we continuing to use computers?
The district will be proceeding with a hybrid return to on premises instruction which means that from grades K-12, approximately 50% of students will be on premise in any buildings/class at one time. This approach allows for students and staff to return in a more controlled and appropriate manner. This is not considered by any means a normal environment. The hybrid plan will continue through January, 28 2021 while we continue to plan for a broader return so long as the metrics so outlined in our Health and Safety plan allow. The use of technology allow for teachers to provide instruction to both students on premises and online and leverage the Google Classroom online learning management system to coordinate, structure, and communicate the curriculum for all students.