Home & School Executive Committee Members:President: Susan DeMedioVice President: Katie ShiremanRecording Secretary: Deanna RoegerCorresponding Secretary: Chrissy CharlesTreasurer: Sophia PhamEmail: MHS_HS@methacton.orgWELCOME TO METHACTON HIGH SCHOOL'S HOME & SCHOOL WEBSITE!
As parents of MHS students, YOU are the Home & School Association. We encourage you to stay informed by attending H&S meetings, joining our Facebook group, and reading the Methacton School Happenings newsletters. We also encourage you to support our no-frills fundraiser and all the activities that MHS has to offer, including the sporting events, theatre productions, music programs, art shows and other student-centered events such as the Film Festival, the “Mr. Methacton” competition and Mini-thon, to name a few. Learn how to become an approved volunteer here.
H&S Meetings
H&S Meetings will usually be held on the second Thursday of each month, alternating between morning and evening in the library and on Zoom. H&S meetings are the perfect time to find out what is happening at our school and dispel rumors. Check our Facebook group and the High School Happenings Newsletter for details.Meetings feature reports from our Principal, Counseling Department, teachers and school board. The atmosphere is informal and conversation is encouraged. All are welcome! Please join us for our next meeting. We hope to see you there!
If you've never been to a MHS H&S meeting, try one out!
Please look at our Fundraising page to the right.
Did you know? . . .
- 58% of our money goes directly to our students, including donations to each of the four classes, Senior Awards, Winning Warriors program, Self-Defense class, and other student support.
- 16% goes to fund Mini-Grants for our teachers, clubs and organizations. Grant money may be used for approved purchases that enhance and support the curriculum and activities of students.
- 13% goes to contributions to other organizations in our school community, such as Methacton Post Prom, and the Transportation breakfast hosted by the district.
- 13% of our budget goes toward Staff Appreciation.
- 2% goes to the Special Education Alliance (SEA)
Administrative Forms
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes 2024-2025
2021-2022 Meeting Minutes
- Minutes 9-09-21
- Minutes 10-7-21
- Minutes 11-11-21
- Minutes 12-9-21
- Minutes 3-10-22
- Minutes 4-7-22
- Minutes 5-12-2022
2020-2021 Meeting Minutes
- Minutes 9-10-20
- Minutes 10-8-20
- Minutes 11-12-20
- Minutes 12-10-20
- Minutes 2-11-21
- Minutes 3-11-21
- Minutes 4-8-21
- Minutes 5-13-21
2019-2020 Meeting Minutes
MHS Home and School By-Laws
BY-LAWS – MAY, 2007
Revised October, 2016
The name of the Department shall be the Methacton High School Home & School.
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of the Methacton High School Home & School to supplement the educational environment and enhance the learning experiences of all students who attend the school and to create a positive image of our school within the community.
The objectives of the Methacton High School Home & School shall be:
a) To promote open communications between the school, its teachers, administrators and families;
b) To raise funds for teacher, curriculum and student activities that will enhance the students’ school experience and to use such funds in a responsible and efficient manner;
c) To foster the relationship among Home & School, parents and faculty towards better education and development of the children in our schools;
d) To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental and social education;
e) Develop and execute programs and activities which offer the opportunity for all students to enhance their academic, artistic and social experiences throughout the school year;
f) To provide support to administration, faculty and staff;
g) To support and encourage school spirit and pride;
h) To secure and maintain a nonaffiliated, nonprofit status;
i) Promote a good neighbor relationship within the local school and overall Methacton School District Communities.
Section 1:
All actions of the Home & School shall be governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in these Bylaws and by the Bylaws of the Methacton Coordinating Council. The procedures of Home and School (see attached) shall be adhered to in the same manner as these Bylaws.
Section 2:
This Department shall be noncommercial, nonprofit and nonpartisan. It shall not endorse a commercial enterprise or political candidate or position. The name of the Department or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any political interest, or for any purpose other than the regular activities of the Department.
Section 3:
The Department shall not directly participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office, or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities in attempting to influence legislation.
Section 4:
The Department shall neither seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or to control its policies.
Section 5:
The Department may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare such as conference groups or councils, provided its representatives make no commitment to that group or council on behalf of the organization or school district.
Section 6:
In the event of dissolution of the Department, the assets of the Department shall not be distributed to its members or Officers or other private persons. The Department shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities and after provision is made for the disposition of any property committed to charitable purposes as required by court order, transfer and convey the remaining assets to the school organization(s) that are most similar to the Departments purposes, and method of operation.
Section 1:
Parents and/or legal guardians with a child enrolled at the School of reference are considered members. Faculty and staff are honorary members. This Department shall be non-discriminatory and provide equal opportunity for all. There are no dues or initiation fees to become a member.
Section 2:
Membership entitles each person to the rights and privileges of the Department, including the right to participate in meetings, vote on agenda items, and vote at the annual election.
Section 4:
Only members of the Department shall be eligible to serve in any of its elected or appointed positions.
Section 1:
The Executive Committee of the Department shall consist, at a minimum, of President, Treasurer, and Secretary (this position may be split into Recording and Corresponding positions). Other officer positions may be added as deemed necessary by the Home and School. There must be a minimum of three Officers. The members of the Executive Committee will serve until their successors are elected or appointed. An Officer must have a child enrolled in the School of Reference for each fiscal year during which they serve. Offices may be held jointly, with the exception of Treasurer. The principal shall serve as a consultant to the Board.
Section 2:
For schools with more than 2 grade levels, officers shall serve for a period of two years (1 term) coinciding with each fiscal year running from July 1 to the following June 30. When a term is up, nominations should be solicited for the position as per the “Elections” clause below. If no nominations are received for the position, the officer may run for another term. Officers whose terms are up may be nominated for another position on the Executive Committee for which nominations are being solicited.
Section 3:
For schools with 2 grade levels, officers shall serve for a period of one year (1 term) coinciding with each fiscal year running from July 1 to June 30. Nominations must be solicited each year, as per the “Elections” clause. An officer may run for re-election once, but should not serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same office unless no other nominations for that position are received. Officers whose terms are up may be nominated for another position on the Executive Committee for which nominations are being solicited.
Section 3:
If the President must vacate the office before the term is expired, the Vice-President shall serve the balance of the term. If there is no Vice-President, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment. All Executive Committee vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee.
Section 4:
The duties of the Executive Committee are:
a) To transact necessary business in the intervals between monthly H&S meetings and such other business as it may be referred to the Department;
b) To create standing and ad-hoc committees.
c) To approve and oversee the work of standing committees, including the resolution of any disputes via the attached Conflict Resolution Policy;
d) To present reports at regular meetings of the H&S;
e) To ensure that all necessary documents are available for the annual audit as coordinated by the MCC;
f) To prepare and submit a budget to the general membership at the first meeting of the fiscal year following approval of the building principal;
g) To approve routine bills and special fund requests within the limits of the budget.
h) To consult regularly with and gain approval from the principal regarding scheduled events, fundraising, budgets, and all other business of the Department.
i) To vote on decisions as required, with each officer having one vote in matters at hand.
Section 5:
Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by the majority of the members of the Committee. A majority shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6:
Failure of any member of the Department’s Executive Committee to adhere to the objectives of the Department, to perform the duties described herein or the absence of the member from three or more of the General Meetings without due cause, will subject the member to dismissal by a majority vote of the Department’s Executive Committee.
Section 1:
A nominating chair, will be appointed by the President. Open nominations will be announced via e-mail. Written nominations will be accepted by the nominating chair, by email only, until the next General Home and School meeting. This process may begin as early as February. If members wish to run as “co” officers, this decision must be reflected in the submitted nomination, and the nominating chair must confirm the decision with both candidates. The nominating chair shall submit to the Executive Committee a list of candidates for each of the elected offices. Nominees will be read at the next month’s meeting and any discussions/objectives can be presented at that time.
Section 2:
Voting for Officers will take place at the next monthly General Home and School meeting after nominations are announced via e-mail (can be as early as March but no later than May). All nominees and/or voters must be present at the election. No absentee ballots may be cast. All voting for Officers must be completed by the final meeting of the school year. The nominee for each office receiving the majority of the votes cast, shall be declared elected.
Section 1:
The President shall prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Department and the Executive Board; shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees; shall coordinate the work of the Officers and committees, in order that the objectives of H&S be promoted; shall perform all other duties pertaining to such an office and shall attend, or appoint a representative to
attend,the Methacton Coordinating Council.Section 2:
The Vice President will act as an aid to the President(s), be required to perform with authority all of the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve, and shall also perform other duties designated to her/him.
Section 3:
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies of the Department in a timely manner and shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures. The treasurer cannot simultaneously hold another position on the Executive Committee. The Treasurer's responsibilities include:
a) Presenting a statement of account at every meeting of the Department and at other times when requested by the Executive Committee and/or the President(s) or by the building principal;
b) Presenting the budget for approval at the first meeting of the school year for which prior approval has been granted by the building principal;
c) Ensuring that all necessary documents are available for the annual audit as coordinated by the MCC
;d) Having accounts ready to be subject to an audit at any time, if deemed necessary by the Executive Committee;
e) Responsibility for collecting all deposits and reimbursement requests for the Department. An itemized, original receipt or copy of the original receipt is required for all reimbursement requests that meet the requirements of reporting regulations per the Treasurer's Manual.
f) Having the ability to sign checks for the Department along with at least one other Executive Committee member.
g) Assist an incoming treasurer with budget preparations for the new fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
h) Providing all requested financial records to the Treasurer of the MCC so as to ensure timely completion of filings.
i) Adhere to all policies and procedures as stated in the Treasurers’ Guide.
Section 4:
The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Department and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Executive Committee.
Section 5:
The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Department along with any other duties designated by the Executive Committee. He/She shall also have the responsibility of having the minutes posted on the Department’s website along with any other pertinent or useful information such as committee information and volunteer opportunities.
Section 6:
At the end of their term, all Officers shall deliver to their successors all official material prior to the June meeting of the Department If there is no June meeting, material must be delivered by June 20th.
Section 7:
The Executive Committee can decide on funding requests made between meetings of up to $150.00. Requests over this amount must be held for a vote by Department members at the next General meeting.
Section 1:
Regular meetings of H&S shall be held from September through June on a day and time selected by the Department’s Executive Committee in conjunction with the building principal in advance of the current school year and such schedule will appear on the school and district calendars. Any changes to the selected days and times will be announced to the membership via electronic communication or other appropriate measures following approval of the building principal. Meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. As such, Motions made at each meeting may, as an example, be adopted, postponed indefinitely, amended, referred, or postponed to a certain time. Motions are considered to pass with a majority vote in favor.
Section 2:
The Executive Committee may call special meetings of the Home and School if necessary.
Section 3:
The majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4:
All members are invited to participate and vote at each meeting.
Section 5:
The Principal, a Teacher, or a School Counselor may give reports at meetings. If they cannot attend, they may submit a report to be read at the meeting by a representative chosen by them.
Section 6:
The Officers will give reports at each meeting along with any Committee Chairs that wish to give a report. The report may be delivered in person at the meeting or may be sent in advance to the President to be read at the meeting.
Section 1:
Standing committees shall be created by action of the Executive Committee at its first annual meeting. The purpose of these committees shall be to carry out the objectives of the Department. Committees will be reviewed yearly for continuation.
Section 2:
Chairs/Co-Chairs of standing committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee annually. It is recommended that the chairs offer to change positions after a maximum of two consecutive years of service in one position.
Section 3:
The chairs of all standing committees shall present a brief plan of work to the Executive Committee for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without such approval.
Section 4:
The chairpersons (or their representative) shall give reports at the monthly meeting closest prior to and after their event to inform the membership of their activity, or as needed for committees that are ongoing throughout the school year.
Section 5:
The President is considered ex-officio members of all committees.
Section 6:
The Executive Committee has the power to form special committees as the need arises. When a special committee’s work is completed and a report submitted, the committee shall be disbanded.
This Department shall be represented in meetings of the Methacton Coordinating Council by a representative from the department as described in the bylaws of the MCC.
Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the Department’s conduct in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
These Bylaws may be amended by the MCC by a majority vote. As with the MCC Bylaws, the intended amendment must be communicated at least 7 days prior to the intended vote. Approval of Bylaw changes by the district Superintendent is required.
The fiscal year of the Department shall begin July 1 and end the following June 30.
Section 1:
All monies collected for the purpose of Home and School activities must be deposited with the Home and School Treasurer.
Section 2:
A reimbursement is permitted for expenses incurred for Home and School activities. An itemized, original receipt or copy of the original receipt must accompany the request given to the Treasurer.
1. Any dates for activities during the school day need to be approved by the Principal via the Executive Board and then noted on the school calendar.
2. All written communications shall be shared with the Executive Board before being copied and distributed or sent out by electronic communication.
3. All written communication should have a note that states “Sponsored by the Home and School Association” clearly displayed.
4. Outgoing Committee Chairs and members of the Executive Board should pass on all files and activity information to incumbents prior to the end of the current school year.
- All monies should be given to the Treasurer within 7 days of event completion.
- All receipts must be turned in to the Treasurer for reimbursement within 30 days after the event or by the end of the school year, whichever comes first.
- All checks received by committee must be turned in to the Treasurer within 1 month of receipt.
- All committees shall be provided with their budgets at the start of the school year.
- Requests for checks from the Treasurer must be made a minimum of 3 days in advance of the event for which the check is needed.
- All fundraising activities must be pre-approved by the building principal.
Conflict Resolution Process for Members of Methacton Home and School Departments
This conflict resolution process is designed to provide a venue for volunteers to address concern/conflict. The Executive Committees of the Methacton Home and School Departments have to take a systematic approach (steps) when working towards solving conflict. This process is outlined within this document.
The officers of a Home and School shall use the following process to resolve disputes that are presented to them:
1. All disputes/conflict shall be placed in writing and sent electronically or by US mail addressed to the Officers of the Home and School. If the conflict involves an officer on the Home and School Executive Committee, the matter may be referred directly to the Executive Board of the MCC. The following information shall be included in this written address:
a. Parties involved
b. Problem, issue or concern
c. Impact on the Home and School and/or the school and/or the district.
d. Written Supporting documentation should be provided where applicable.
2. The Officers of the Home and School (or the MCC Board) shall convene a meeting of the Executive Committee within 10 school days of receipt of complaint to address and to review and determine next step(s). A written description of the issue at hand may also be requested from the other involved parties.
3. If it is determined by a simple majority of the Executive Committee (or MCC Board) that a conflict/dispute can be addressed via step 4 below, then the Officers shall elect two of the Officers to conduct step #4 below and report back to the entire group of Officers within 10 school days.
4. A separate private conversation shall be had with each individual party involved in the dispute/conflict. If a private discussion does not yield satisfactory results, then the Officers shall move to step #5. If the conflict/dispute is resolved, the Officers shall document results including a written summary of each meeting including a resolution. These summaries should be distributed to all parties involved and should be kept on file with the Home and School Association.
5. If the matter was not resolved in step #4, then, the matter shall be brought before the Methacton Coordinating Council Board.
6. If an issue is brought before the Methacton Coordinating Council Board, the disputants shall appear together in front of the officers (as well as the School Board Representative) to provide verbally or in writing, an explanation that addresses:
a. Their personal involvement in the conflict/dispute
b. Their suggestions for possible resolutions to the conflict/dispute
7. If, in the instance that a resolution cannot be agreed upon in step #6, then, by a simple majority of a secret vote, a course of action up to and including the recommendation of temporary or permanent removal of one or all involved parties can be administered, using the FRISK model.
Fact: Rule: Impact: Suggestion: Knowledge:
-State the facts of the action or event that occurred
-State the rule of policy that the action or event violated
-State the impact of the action or event on the association/council/district
-Suggest ways that the person should act to avoid or handle similar issues in the future.
-Provide any knowledge; assistance or training the person may need to carry out the suggestions.
8. The Department may also choose to use an independent mediator, or seek appointment of a mediator by the district Superintendent.
9. After a resolution has been made it should be reviewed by the Home and School Department to assess if a corrective action plan needs to be put in place to revise Bylaws, Code of Conduct, Conflict Resolution process etc. in order to avoid future issues of the same nature. The Superintendent should also be advised of the progress and outcomes of all proceedings.
10. All parties shall hold the proceedings and outcomes in strict confidence.
Executive Committee Members must:
1. Uphold the Bylaws, Purposes, and Basic Policies of the Home & School Department.
2. Respect all members of the Executive Committee, and refrain from comments, public and private, which defame the work or character of any Executive Committee member or the Executive Committee as a whole.
3. Direct their full attention to each meeting avoiding distractions such as usage of cell phones, texting, and holding off topic conversations during the meeting.
3. Respect the confidentiality of all information, both oral statements and written materials. Materials and statements which are designed to be shared with the membership are not considered confidential.
4. Respect and support decisions adopted by the Executive Committee and made within the parameters of the Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. Disagreements with those decisions need to be brought before the Executive Committee. Decisions deserve the respect and confidentiality of each member of the Executive Committee. NO BULLYING will be tolerated.
5. Recognize that the President of the Executive Committee is the official spokesperson of the Home and School Department.
6. When making statements based on personal opinions, declare publicly that the statements are personal and are not being offered as the position of the Home & School.
7. Respect the Home & School and not make statements that will undermine the public confidence in the association or damage its reputation.
8. Acknowledge that the dignity of each individual is a right that needs to be recognized and protected by contributing to a Executive Committee environment that is fair and democratic.
9. Respect the Executive Committee and the President by providing adequate information concerning an absence or resignation.
10. Resign when unable to fulfill the duties of the position.
11. Recognize that when conflict arises, it is the obligation of each Executive Committee member to address that conflict in an atmosphere of respect and democracy. When the conflict becomes harmful to the organization, it is the duty of a Executive Committee member to resign.
12. Refrain from using one’s position for the personal financial gain of self, family or personal friends.
13. Acknowledge acceptance of these guidelines by signing the agreement. Signed copies will be retained by both the Executive Committee member and the President. Recognize and abide by district policies and specific procedures outlined by the principal.
Any infraction of this ethics statement shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the Home & School Department. If further action is deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee, recommendations of the Executive Committee may be referred to the MCC Board for consideration.
Executive Committee members who are in violation the Bylaws, or not upholding the Objectives or Basic Policies of the Home & School may be subject to dismissal.
As a member of the Home & School Association Executive Committee, I agree to the above.
________________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Executive Committee Member Date
Mini-Grants Application
2024-2025 Year at a Glance
Home & School Communications
We are no longer using Konstella, please find us at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3892437627654672. You will also find all up-to-date information on The High School Happenings Newsletter sent out by Dr. Euker.
No Frills Fundraiser
No-Frills Fundraiser
The MHS H&S counts on the generous donations from all its families to carry out our programs every year. A suggested donation is $50.00 per child. Any amount is appreciated, but we could do SO much more if we exceed our fundraising goal. PLEASE SUPPORT H&S! Contributions are 100% tax deductible.
We now accept Venmo.
Donate via PayPal here:
Or Send donations to:
Methacton Home & School
PO Box 269
Eagleville, PA 19408-0269
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes 2024-2025
Meeting Minutes 2023-2024
April 2024 Meeting Minutes Teacher Notes April 2024
February High School Notes February Article
Meeting Minutes 2022-2023
May Meeting Minutes
April Meeting Minutes
March Meeting Minutes
February Meeting Minutes
January Meeting Minutes
November Meeting Minutes
October Meeting Minutes
September Meeting Minutes