Flexible Instructional Day Key Points
In the event that the Methacton School District needs to utilize a Flexible Instruction Day (FID), a School Messenger alert email, phone call, and social media post will be issued to inform families that a FID will occur on a specific date (typically the next day or on the given day). The district website will be updated to include a link devoted to FID information and resources.
Here are ten (10) important bits of information you may need to know concerning FID:
- Your building principal is the main point of contact for families when a Flexible Instructional Day is called.
- Google Classrooms will have a FID link that will identify the learning assignments, activities, and online resources for instruction, which will likely be asynchronous.
- Teachers will hold office hours during the Flexible Instruction Day, which will be posted in their Google Classroom.
- Students with IEPs, 504s, and related supports will still receive their individualized support through the Google Classroom, differentiated assignments, and phone calls where identified.
- Students will have access to school health services.
- Instruction will be delivered in an asynchronous mode. Some teachers may hold online synchronous instruction.
- Students may be provided with hard copy instructional materials in advance to be used in the for the FID day.
- Recognizing that students may have different situations at home on a Flexible Instruction Day, students will have up to three (3) school days following the FID to complete the work.
- Students will be considered present on the FID day provided that they complete the required assignments within the window.
- Students who do not submit required work during the make-up period will be reported as unexcused according to the district attendance policy.