• It is Methacton School District’s policy that all news media inquiries regarding the district, departments or schools be referred to the Office of School and Community Information to ensure the most timely and accurate response. Please contact Amanda Kelly, Coordinator of School and Community Information, at akelly@methacton.org or call the Communications Office at 610-489-5000, ext. 15412. Although every effort is made to accommodate all media requests, please note that each request will take time in order to get appropriate approvals.

    The district and its schools will cooperate with the news media to the extent required and appropriate by law, while ensuring that media coverage does not interfere with teaching and learning.

    If access is granted inside our schools, all reporters are required to check in at the main school office, wear a “guest pass” at all times, be escorted by a representative of the school at all times and respect/abide by all district policies and local and state laws concerning the use of minors in news and broadcasting.

    After-school events in designated school areas that are otherwise open to the general public are also open to the media and do not require prior arrangements. Events during normal school hours must be arranged through the Communications Office.