Comments, Concerns, & Questions
Office hours are 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.The Methacton School District encourages parents and guardians to communicate with the district regarding their child or related district operations. When a question or concern occurs, the parent or guardian should attempt to resolve it at the local school level if it is about their child or through the appropriate department if it is a general inquiry or question. Any questions or concerns directed to district administration or the board shall be referred to the local level for resolution.If you would like to ask a question or share a concern about your child, speak to your child's teacher first. Additional contact can be made with the elementary building principal, or at the secondary level, the appropriate grade level administrator, after first speaking with your child's teacher. Building principals can be reached by dialing 610-489-5000 and entering the appropriate extensions as listed below, or by e-mail as indicated.Methacton High SchoolDr. Deb Euker, PrincipalExt. 25027Daniel C. Bontempo - Assistant PrincipalExt. 25047Dr. Karey Kochenour - Assistant Principal Ext. 25047 kkochenour@methacton.org Dr. Paul Spiewak - Assistant Principal Ext. 25054 pspiewak@methacton.org Taylor Parker - Athletics & Activities Director Ext. 25058 tparker@methacton.org Arcola Intermediate SchoolTBD, PrincipalExt. 30232Gerald Thompson, Asst. PrincipalExt. 30213gthompson@methacton.org Skyview Upper Elementary SchoolDr. Nicole Berical, PrincipalExt. 34200John Smink Ext. 34200 jsmink@methacton.org Arrowhead Elementary School Dr. Aaron Roberts, Principal Ext. 44200 aroberts@methacton.org Eagleville Elementary School Rob Corcoran, Principal Ext. 41200 rcorcoran@methacton.org Woodland Elementary School Vanessa Hasson, Principal Ext. 43201 vhasson@methacton.org Worcester Elementary School Joyce Amici, Principal Ext. 40201 jamici@methacton.org For general questions or concerns about any part of the District’s operations, please refer to the easy reference guide provided below (by phone, dial 610-489-5000, and enter the extension indicated). Also listed are just a few examples of the areas of responsibility for these offices and personnel.ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES
Taylor Parker, Athletics & Activities Director
Ext. 25058 or tparker@methacton.org- Coaching questions
- Team schedules
- Field locations
- Directions to games
Jennifer Johnson, Home and School Visitor
Ext. 25406 or jjohnson@methacton.org- Free and reduced lunches
- Truancy matters
Douglas Kenwood, Director of Facilities
Ext. 30405 or dkenwood@methacton.org- Condition of the school buildings and campus grounds
- Parking
- Campus roadways
- Integrated Pest Management
- Questions about Use of Methacton School Facilities should be directed to Tim Barbagallo, Assistant to the Director of Facilities at tbarbagallo@methacton.org or Ext. 30406.
Dr. Jason Sorgini, Director of Human Resources,
Ext. 15041 or jsorgini@methacton.org
- Open positions within the district
- Contractual agreements with employee groups
Danielle Penza, Interim Director of Business Services
Ext. 15005 or dpenza@methacton.org
- School taxes
- District budgeting
- Audits
Dr. Che Regina, Assistant Superintendent
Ext. 15041 or cregina@methacton.org
- Emergency response planning
TBD, Coordinator of School and Community Information
Ext. 15412 or information@methacton.org
- Website
- SchoolMessenger
- Media, News
- District publications
- General district information
- Arranging a tour of a school building
- Community Education Program
- Volunteering in Methacton schools
Contact your child’s school counselor directly.
- Course selection
- College preparedness
- The overall educational, personal, or social growth of the student
Dr. Matthew Walsh, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Ext. 15013 or mwalsh@methacton.org
- Administration of and/or details regarding Methacton’s curriculum
- State and federal grant guidelines
- Student assessment/testing
Dr. Jamie Gravinese, Director of Pupil Services
Ext. 15015 or jgravinese@methacton.org
- Learning and emotional support programs
- Students with multiple disabilities
- Life skills, learning, emotional or autistic support
- English Language Department
- Gifted Education
- Student wellness planning
- Bullying prevention
Chris Korinko, Aramark Educational Services' Food Service Director for Methacton
Ext. 30408 or ckorinko@methacton.org
- School lunch menus
- Healthy alternatives
- Catering
Chris Kleinguenther - Acting Director Coordinator of Technology
Ext. 15048 or ckleinguenther@methacton.org
- Parent Portal
- Student Registration
- Technology integration and issues
- Software
Contact your child’s school nurse directly.
- Physical and dental exams
- Health screenings
- Immunizations
- Dispensing of medication
- Student overall wellness
Jason Kelly, First Student Location Manager
Ext. 25080 or Jason.kelly@firstgroup.com
- Bus stops locations and times
- Condition of the bus fleet
- Safety concerns related to transportation
- General transportation matters
If the matter is still unresolved, please contact Dr. David Zerbe, Superintendent of Schools at ext. 15001 or dzerbe@methacton.org.
If a satisfactory solution is not achieved by discussion with the superintendent, the matter may be forwarded to the board of school directors. The board may be contacted through Beth Rutledge, secretary to the Board, at ext. 15001 or brutledge@methacton.org.
Right to Know Requests
Please note that if your request for information necessitates a Right to Know request, as outlined by the Right to Know Act of Pennsylvania, you must contact (or may be directed to contact) the district’s Right to Know Officer, Dr. Jason Sorgini, at ext. 15041, or righttoknow@methacton.org.
Have a general question and don't know who to ask? Send e-mail to information@methacton.org and you will receive a response in a timely fashion.