2024 Winter Keystone Assessments
The Methacton School District will be administering the 2024 Winter Keystone Assessments to all students who have taken a Biology course, but have not yet passed the Keystone exam in Biology. Students needing to retake the test have been contacted. Students who have taken and not yet passed the Algebra I or Literature 10 Keystones will have the opportunity for a retake in the spring.
Our students will be completing the assessments online. Students will need to bring their fully charged, district-issued Chromebook and charger to school each day of testing. The testing schedule is outlined below:
Keystone Assessment: Biology
School: MHS
Testing Dates: December 10 - 11, 2024
The Keystone exams are end-of-course assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in academic content. Beginning with the class of 2023, students must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra 1, Literature and Biology Keystones to graduate or fulfill one of the other pathways. Students are offered multiple opportunities to take the Keystone assessment throughout their high school career. It takes a collaborative effort of school personnel, parents and guardians, and most importantly, our students, to achieve success. The results of these assessments do not impact your student’s grades or placement. They do assist the district in determining needs related to programs, supports and resources. Additionally, they reflect for the public the work we do here in our Methacton schools.
Parents can assist our efforts and reaffirm the importance of the assessment at home by ensuring their child gets plenty of rest prior to each testing session, is provided a healthy breakfast every morning, and arrives to school on time. Please avoid the scheduling of doctor’s appointments and vacations during this time frame; students are required by the PDE to make-up any missed portion of the test within a specific window of time.
Chapter 4 of Title 22 of the Pa. Code (22 Pa. Code 4.4) provides for the rights of any parent/guardian to excuse their child from the state assessment if they find the assessment to be in conflict with their religious beliefs. If a parent pursues a religious exemption from the Keystone Exams, they are to contact their school principal at least 1 week prior to the start of testing to follow the appropriate procedures, which include:
- Communication via email to the building principal of the request for religious exemption.
- The building principal will respond to your request, and ask for you to preview the materials in person.
- Letter to the Superintendent of Schools indicating the opt-out for religious reasons.
Please also review the PDE Information for Parents or Guardians - Frequently Asked Questions and information concerning electronic devices as they pertain to Keystone testing.
Thank you for your support throughout the Keystone testing sessions. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school principal.
Tara L. Ricci
Supervisor of Continuous Improvement
District Assessment Coordinator