• Skyview Upper Elementary School

    Welcome to Skyview Upper Elementary School! Students at Skyview are grouped into teams. A typical fifth grade student day includes instruction in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. Fifth graders attend special area classes including: art, music, technology education, computer literacy, library, health and physical education. A typical sixth grade student day includes instruction in Reading, English, Math, Science and Geography. Sixth graders attend special area classes including: art, music, library, technology education, computer literacy, health and physical education. The Skyview schedule operates as an upper elementary school on a six-day letter cycle with no bells. Each team has dedicated “flex” time throughout the six-day cycle to provide the opportunity for extension and supports. Dedicated time at the conclusion of the day allows students to participate in musical ensembles of their choice or focus on reading, and for teachers to provide continuing support.

  • Visitor Information
  • ESSA Federal Report
  • Staff Directory