
  • BusPatrol Logo

    Methacton School District and BusPatrol kick off a new stage in their partnership to make children’s travels to and from school safer!

    All Methacton School District school buses have ACTIVE safety technology cameras, including AI-enabled stop-arm enforcement cameras. The safety technology is designed to capture school bus violation events and vehicle license plate numbers. Stop-arm enforcement begins on Tuesday, September 6th 2022. Violations are confirmed by local law enforcement. A first-time stop-arm violation will carry a fine of $300.

    BusPatrol’s technology, installation, and maintenance have been provided at zero cost to the district or taxpayers thanks to their violator-funded business model.

  • Stop Arm Violations Chart 23-24

  • How Does the Safety Program Work?

  • When Should I Stop for a School Bus in Pennsylvania?

  • What Happens If You Illegally Pass a Stopped Methacton School Bus?

  • Who Can I Contact for Assistance?