President: Rosie Cook
    Co-Vice Presidents: Erin Hillyard and Nikki Scott
    Treasurer: Ann Campbell
    Corresponding Secretary: Jessica Starace 
    Co-Recording Secretary: Bethany Fein Coughlin and Nikki Ferraro
    The Worcester Home and School (H&S) Association promotes activities aimed at enriching your child’s academic experience.
    We utilize a site/app called Konstella to communicate announcements, events and activities. All parents, guardians, and teachers are encouraged to subscribe to this electronic messaging service. This same service is utilized by all Methacton Home & School Associations. 

    H&S meetings will be held the first Tuesday of the month (with some exceptions due to holiday schedules).  Until otherwise notified, all meetings will take place via Zoom at 7:15pm.  Links to Zoom meetings will be provided through Konstella announcements and via e-mail. All Worcester parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please join us to share your thoughts and talents!


    Visit our website!

    Worcester Elementary School Home and School Association Official Website

  • 2023-2024 Worcester Home and School Recap