The Methacton School District, with its strong tradition of excellence, will challenge all students to achieve their greatest potential and create a vibrant community of learners who appreciate diversity and will lead and succeed in a dynamic global society.
Goals for Technology - Non-Instructional
» Maintain and develop technology and integration services, which support and
improve the effectiveness of the district’s mission for all stakeholders.
» Research, enhance, acquire, and implement technology solutions to support current and emergent needs of the district.
» Instruct students, staff, and administrators on proper use; maintain standards and best practices, as well monitor and track system usage, integrity and reliability. -
Goals for Technology - Instructional
» To provide and enhance development and application of life-long learning skills, including collaboration, problem solving, effective communication, creative thinking, and resourcefulness while maintaining ethical standards in an increasingly diverse digital global environment to create astute, digital citizens.
» District students, teachers, administrators, and staff will responsibly use appropriate technology to communicate, solve problems, and access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to improve learning in all subject areas and transfer skills to acquire lifelong knowledge and proficiency.
» The District will provide current technology, training, and resources to promote technology integration for advanced academic achievement. -
1:1 Student Device Program
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Student Access and Devices
-Our youngest learners have the opportunity to engage with technology in their classrooms. The information below will allow parents to set-up access to the device by locating the student’s username and password in the PowerSchool parent portal. Once, logged in for the first time, all are to update the password and set-up the account recovery information. It is recommended that the password is something the student will be able to remember while also unique. Teachers in Kindergarten and 1st grade may utilize QR codes in the classroom to help the student’s login process. The QR code will securely contain the student’s password. Use of technology is to support the learning process. To begin the school year focus will be placed on building community and classroom procedures. Technology will be introduced in mid-to-late September.
-Accessing student username and password – Setting Account Recovery (K & 1st)
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Parents - Directions for Username Password and Account Recovery
-Setting Account Recovery (Video Overview – K & 1st)
-Chrome Tablet Overview (Video – Kindergarten Students) -
General Username and Password Access & Account Recovery Directions
Accessing Student Username and Password – Setting up Password Recovery
To allow your student to login to their Chromebook you will need to have their username and password. To access your child’s username and password, please login to PowerSchool with your parent portal account on a computer or mobile phone.
- Select “School Information” from the left-hand navigation menu.
- Find the Username
- Find the Password*
Use the above information to login to the Chromebook for the first time.
Please follow the steps below to create a Password Recovery and Reset the Password
*It is recommended that the password is something the student will be able to remember while also unique.
Upon logging into the Chromebook you should be directed to the Methacton Launchpad. If for some reason you are automatically directed to the Chrome browser, please visit the Launchpad at:
To set-up account recovery and reset the password, please follow the steps below:
- Select the icon in the upper right.
- Choose Settings
- Choose Recovery.
- Select Mobile Phone and/or Questions and enter in the information necessary.
- Also note that this is where you can choose to Reset Password.
- Once the mobile phone and/or questions have been enabled this will allow users to enter into the LaunchPad (image1) and choose Help, I forgot my password.
- This will then prompt the user to type in their username (image 2).
- Then, either type in the mobile number or answer the question (image 3) to reset the password.
- Finally, follow the instructions for resetting the password.