ELD Resources
Parent Resources
ELD Terms/Acronyms
Below you will find terms and acronyms frequently used by ELD teachers and Methacton School District Faculty.ACCESS for ELLS- Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language LearnersAMAOs - Annual Measurable Achievement ObjectivesBICS - Basic Interpersonal Communication SkillsCALP - Cognitive Academic Language ProficiencyCCSS- Common Core State StandardEL - English Learner (This term is used to describe the student)ELD - English Language Development (term used to describe the program)ELL - English Language Learner (term previously used to describe student)ELP Standards - English Language Proficiency StandardsESL - English as a Second Language (term previously used to describe the program)ESSA- Every Student Succeeds Act (Replaced the NCLB Act- No Child Left Behind)FEL - Former English LearnerIPT - Idea Proficiency TestLEP - Limited English ProficiencyL1 - First LanguageL2- Second LanguageNEP - Non-English ProficientPHLOTE - Primary or Home Language Other Than EnglishPSSA- Pennyslyvania System of School AssessmentTESOL- Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesW-APT - WIDA - ACCESS Placement TestWIDA - World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment ConsortiumWIDA ACCESS - Annual State Test required for ELLs to determine English Language Proficiency -
WIDA Can-do Descriptors
Other Online Resources
EL Family Toolkit - This is a great resource for families of English Learners as well as principals, teachers, and other staff that may have the opportunity to work with English Learners. The resource provides information about choosing educational services to meet their child's needs.