Gifted Screening and Evaluation Process
The Gifted Program is a special part of the overall educational program for children identified by a Certified School Psychologist as mentally gifted. Identification is based on a multi-criteria evaluation that includes building level evaluations of academic performance and teacher observations, along with a norm-referenced achievement and reasoning quotients assessment administered by school personnel. If a child meets the minimum requirements at the building level gifted screening, individual achievement and intelligence testing is performed by a school psychologist. Students may be referred for screening by a teacher and/or this screening may be requested in written form by a parent. Once a student is identified, a team of parents and school personnel called a “G.I.E.P. Team” meets and agrees upon individual goals and specially designed instruction for that student. -
Gifted Education Review
Summary: The Methacton School District wishes to conduct a review of their K-12 Gifted Education services in an effort to ensure that programs and programming remain consistently aligned with best practices as outlined by the National Association of Gifted Children and the mission of the Methacton School District.
The review will be led by Dr. Angstadt, Director of Pupil Services and Dr. David Zerbe, Superintendent of Schools with guidance and support from Mr. Shawn Lochinger, currently with Sweet, Stevens, Katz, & Williams Law firm and formerly a PA State hearing officer for Gifted Education services. Mr. Lochinger has worked with the Methacton School District on other matters of Gifted Education and is a familiar presence with our staff.
The review will include input and feedback from gifted and regular education teachers, parents, and building administrators. Depending on the need for information and guidance, we may seek additional expert input or resources to support the review.
Click HERE to download a draft schedule of the Gifted Education Review Timeline.
Child Find Notice
The Methacton School District provides special education and related service to resident children with disabilities who are ages three through twenty-one. The purpose of this notice is to describe (1) the types of disabilities that might qualify the child for such programs and services, (2) the special education programs and related services that are available, (3) the process by which the Methacton School District screens and evaluates such students to determine eligibility, and (4) the special rights that pertain to such children and their parents or legal guardians.
The Methacton School District also offers services in the form of acceleration and/or enrichment, for students who are identified by a gifted multidisciplinary team (“GMDT”) as “mentally gifted.”
Please click here to download the Methacton School District's Child Find Notice.