Upper Elementary School - Grades 5 and 6
Students at Skyview are grouped into teams. A typical fifth grade student day includes instruction in integrated language arts, math, social studies and science. Fifth graders attend special area classes on a six day cycle including: art, music, physical education, computer literacy, library and health. A typical sixth grade student day includes instruction in reading, English, math, science and geography. Sixth graders attend special area classes on a six day cycle including: art, music, library, technology education, health and physical education.The Skyview schedule operates as an upper elementary school with no bells. Each team has dedicated "flex" time throughout the six-day cycle to provide the opportunity for extension and supports. Dedicated time at the conclusion of the day allows students to participate in musical ensembles of their choice or focus on reading, and for teachers to provide continuing support.
English Language Arts
Our English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum is guided by the Pennsylvania Core Standards. Teachers use a structured literacy approach to instruct and assess students. The ELA curriculum follows a unit structure with opportunities built-in for shared reading, small group reading, word study, and guided writing. Skill-based and leveled classroom libraries, big books, and technology support the daily instruction for students. The goal for ELA in Methacton School District is to help all students develop skills that will be most important as they move on to their post-secondary options. In a structured approach to literacy instruction, teachers integrate instruction with authentic reading and writing and experiences so that students learn how to use literacy strategies and skills and have opportunities to apply what they are learning.
The Skyview math curriculum is guided by the Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics. The Standards of Mathematical Practice are infused into daily instruction. These Standards are in place to support students’ skill development with making sense of problems and persevering in solving them; constructing viable arguments and analyzing the reasoning of others; using appropriate tools strategically; looking for and making use of structure; reasoning abstractly and quantitatively; modeling with mathematics; attending to precision; looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning.
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the science concepts and vocabulary from the earth science, life science and physical science units based on the Academic Standards for Science and Technology, Ecology, and Engineering Education. Each science lesson is built on the 5E model. Students show their knowledge through asking questions; defining problems; obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information; planning and carrying out investigations using models; using data/evidence to construct explanations; and designing solutions. Our science curriculum utilizes the Discovery Education Science Techbook and Mystery Science to provide resources for daily classroom instruction. The Science Techbook provides exciting multimedia, virtual activities and hands-on labs with model lessons, STEM project starters, and standard-aligned assessments.
Social Studies (5th Grade)
Our social studies curriculum provides the opportunity for every student to develop as a knowledgeable and responsible citizen. Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts from the geography, economics, history, and civics and government identified in the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. The curriculum makes connections to other subject areas, like ELA and science, through hands-on and project-based learning.
Geography (6th Grade)
Sixth grade students receive instruction in World Geography and current events. This course of study in sixth grade social studies is designed to develop an understanding and appreciation for basic world geography; the physical characteristics of places and regions; the human characteristics of places and regions; and the interactions between people and their environment. Major units of study include: map and globe skills, United States and Canada, Latin America, Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia, and Africa South of the Sahara.